日期:05-28 来源:未知Teacher Li’s Speech in Korea
Kim’s mote:: The following speech is a perfect example of all the right things to do in a speech! It has a strong and classic beginning, It states it’s purpose right away and it is well organized. It builds a raport with the audience and inspires the listener. Follow Teacher Li’s words carefully because this speech was big hit in South Korea. He really is an international speech master!
1. 女士们,先生们,大家好!
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen.
2. 很高兴有机会到访韩国并在今天同大家讲话。我非常乐意将我学习英语的经验跟你们一起分享。此外,我还想借此机会谈一谈提高英语口语水平对于亚洲未来成功的重要性。
I am very happy to have this opportunity to visit South Korea to speak with you today and share my ecperiences in learning English. I’d also like to talk about the importance of speaking good English to the future success of Asia.
3. 首先,我要说的是,我对韩国在过去几年中取得的卓越成就表示钦佩。事实上,有幸站在这里,我感到是一种荣耀,我此时的心静非常激动。毫无疑问,我将满载许多宝贵的东西回到中国。这些宝贵的东西包括:你们的刻苦勤劳,你们的奋斗精神,你们的丰富经验,你们强烈的爱国主义,以及最最重要的,你们的友好感情。
First of all, I nust say I have always admired Korea for its success in the past years. Actually standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. I absolutely have no doubt that I will bring back many valuable thing s to China. These are your hard work, your spirit, your strong sense of nationalism, your experience, and most important of all, your friendship.
4. 你们当中可能有些人会担心英语的传播将威胁到韩国独特的文化底蕴。但我必须说,这种担心纯属杞人忧天。恰恰相反,英语教育将促进韩国文化的发展,因为英语将使韩国文化更为世人所知。英语不是美国和英国的专利,它属于全世界。提高英语水平将有利于韩国在当今信息时代中保持竞争优势。总的来说,英语将促进韩国发展,提升韩国人民的国际形象。
Maybe some of you are afraid that the spread of English will endanger the unique Korean Culture. But I have to say this fear is unfounded. On the contrary, English education will enhance Korean culture by makng it more well-known throughout the world. English doesn’t belong to the United States or Great Britain, English belongs to the whole world. Good command of English will help Korea keep its competitive edge in today’s information age. Overall, English will help promote Korea and Korean’s international image.
5. 我独创了一种非常有效的英语学习方法。这种方法具有神奇的功效,尤其是对于亚洲人。从你们的历史中,我了解到韩国人民擅于从世界各地吸收和采纳新思想。我是一个中国人,但不要把我当成一个只是来教你们英语的中国佬。我来这里是要与你们分享我的一个梦想,以及说一口流利英语的技巧。这种技巧将大大节省你们的时间、精力和金钱。我知道,在英语教育方面,韩国走在中国的前面,我也知道,不少韩国人能说一口流利的英语,但是,我能做到的是,我要让全民提高英语水平。无论你的家庭背景如何,无论你的收入有多少,你可以在短期内学会说一口流利的英语,省却聘用家庭老师的经济负担,说英语不只是少数幸运者的专利,每个人都可以说一口流利的英语。
I’ve created a very effective English learning method. It works miracles, especially for Asian people. I know from your history that Korea people are very good at absorbing and accepting new ideas from all over the wold. I am Chinese person to teach you English. I’m coming here to share with you my dream and techniques of speaking good English. It will save you a lot of time , effort and money. I know South Korea is ahead of China in English education. I also know that lots of Koreans speak good English. But what I can do is to raise the English level on al national scale. Regardless of your background or income, you can speak good English is a short time without the financial burden of private tutoring.Speaking English is not just for the privileged few, it is for everyone.
6. 韩国以其强烈的爱国主义和“勤奋、自立、团结”的精神享誉世界。事实上,最近一次对居住韩国的外国居民的调查认为,韩国人民的决心和毅力是韩国经济复苏的关键因素。我坚信,凭借你们的这种决心和毅力,再加上疯狂英语方法,你们必定会成功掌握英语,而英语必将帮助韩国进一步提高经济水平。
Korea is known for its strong sense of nationalism and its spirit of “diligence, self-help and co-operation”. In fact, a recent survey of foreign residents in Korea credited the“determination and efforts of the people”as a key factor to Korea’s economic recovery. So I strongly believe that this determination and effort combined with Crazy English will guarantee your success in mastering English. English English will certainly help improve Korea’s econmy even further.
7. 强烈的民族荣誉感和扎实的英语功底将使韩国成为亚洲及至世界的主流力量。二十一世纪,韩国将面临巨大变革,为迎接这些变革,必须学好英语。
A strong sense of national pride combined with a strong knowledge of English will help Korea become a powerful force in Asia and the world. A good command of English is necessary to prepare for the changes Korea is going to face in the 21st century.
8. 当前,基于互联网的商务交流是世界上发展最迅猛的产业之一。而大多数网上交流是用英语进行的。如大家所知,韩国在通信方面处于世界领先地位。“三星”已成为世界公认的品牌。借助英语,韩国将作为二十一世纪的经济主力赢得世界瞩目。
One of the most rapidly changing industries in the world is business communication on the Internet. Most of this communication is conducted in English. As everyone knows, South Korea is a world leader in the telecommunications industry. Samsung is already a name recognized throughout the world. With the help of English, South Korea can become known as a dominant economic force in the 21st century.
9. 许多人问我,我的方法为什么比其它方法优越?或者,我的方法是否有助于所有亚洲的学习者?我的回答是,我的方法一定适用于韩国,因为它与韩国人民勤奋、自助和坚定的原则是完全相符的。仅仅浸泡在英语书堆里是不能帮你说英语的。如果你想学会开车,你就要钻进车里去开,如果你想会跳舞,你就要打开音乐去跳;如果你想游泳,你就要跳进水里去游。事实上,把学英语比作游泳是最恰当不过了,光是坐在家里,阅读一些有关游泳技巧的书,这样是学不会游泳的。为了学会游泳,你必须战胜恐惧。你必须求生存、呛水、喊救命、会丢无数次脸,这样才能学会游。但是,要想游得好,你必须不断地训练;如果要成为出色的游泳能手,你必须练上好几年,直到你大脑和身体的各部分变得非常协调。韩国人民非常懂得身体力行的价值,被动地观望是没有用的。
I am often asked why my method is better than other methods or if my method will help all Asian learners. My answer is , my method will help South Korea because it is a perfect match with the Korean principles of kiligence, self-help, and determination. Mere exposure to Englishwill not enable you to speak English. If you want to drive, you have to get in the car and drive; if you want to dance, you have to turn on the music and dance; if you want to swim, you have to jump in the water and swim. In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English. You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. In order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer yur fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. But, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind. Korean people know the value of doing something rather than just passively observing.
10. 让我们一起大喊!说英语只是小菜一碟!把你们的韩国肌肉变成国际肌肉!
Let’s yell together! Speaking English is a piece of cake! Make your korean muscle international!